Dear Friends,De som vil sende Keith en oppmuntrende melding kan gå hit.
It is with much regret that I have to announce that due to past right hand injuries the resulting nerve damage and dystonic factor has made it unable for me to play the keyboards to the high standard I have always set myself and have to cancel my forthcoming Keith Emerson Band featuring Marc Bonilla USA and European tours.
I am also going to have to cancel the proposed Emerson, Lake and Palmer tour which we were going to do at the end of this year.
I will of course continue with my physical/chiropractic/acupuncture therapy etc. in the hope that this will eventually get me back on form.
This is absolutely devastating to me as music will always be my main key to communicating with a world-wide audience. I know how much my fans and fellow band members were looking forward to these shows and it saddens me greatly to have to come to this decision and make this announcement.
Thank you for your understanding.
Keith Emerson
St Charles Fort?
for 5 timer siden
3 kommentarer :
Senebetennelse er alltid det mørke spøkelset som henger over enhver musiker. Det er trist når det inntreffer. Ikke minst for musikeren selv.
Ønsker Emerson god bedring, og kondolerer til fansen.
Takker for den på vegne av fansen.
Ellers er det vel ikke egentlig senebetennelse vi snakker om her, tror jeg.
Stort sett liten vits i å høre på søttitallsdinosaurene live lenger uansett, annet enn for en trivelig kosemimrestund.
Island - Pictures.
Ikke klin ulikt ELP. Gigercover, keyboards, klassikerstempel og alt.
Siden jeg linker til inneholder et langt lydklipp. Bør høres gjennom.
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