lørdag 1. august 2009

Guds filosofer

Som varslet slippes nå en av de beste bøkene om mytene om krigen mellom tro og vitenskap i middelalderen.

Eller for å ta det direkte fra kilden:
I am writing to you because you very kindly registered an interest in my book God’s Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science at jameshannam.com. I am delighted to report that the book is being published in the UK by Icon on 6th August. I am not sure about availability in your country but Amazon.co.uk are already sending out copies so if you would like yours as quickly as possible, you can use the link below:

Order God’s Philosophers from Amazon.co.uk

God’s Philosophers celebrates the forgotten achievements of the medieval world. Focusing on the rise of science, it shows how natural philosophers of the Middle Ages laid the foundations of the ‘Scientific Revolution’.

Without the work of medieval scholars, there would have been no Copernicus, no Galileo and no Newton. By emphasising the important positive role of Christianity on medieval science, God’s Philosophers also contributes to the current debate about the relationship between science and religion.

Thank you for your support in registering your interest in God’s Philosophers. I very much hope that you enjoy the book.

Best wishes

James Hannam

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2 kommentarer:

  1. Takk for tipset, jeg var registrert der med min gamle e-mail.
    Bestilles når augustlønna kommer!

  2. Ja denne må jeg ha.
    Får huske å bestille også denne samtidig.
