tirsdag 17. desember 2013


Som lovet musikalblogges videre om Fermat's Last Stand og da kan det ikke marsjeres utenom sannhetsvisa.

Siden sannheten er at det er minst fire feil i den, er det en julenøtt for Dekodets lesere å finne disse.

Battle Hymn of the Republic of Letters

(Tekst: Scott Alexander, musikk: Buck Shlegeris og hans band)

Truth is not confined to notebooks, nor the fragile human brain
Though Fermat is dead and buried, his discoveries remain
In Platonic realms far loftier than this margin can contain
The truth is margin on!

Glory, glory aletheia! Glory, glory aletheia!
Glory, glory aletheia! Glory, glory aletheia!
Glory, glory aletheia! Glory, glory aletheia!
The truth is margin on!

They put books to the torches when the Inquisition churned
It erased what had been written, couldn't touch what had been learned
We're Prometheus' fire, which cannot itself be burned
It just goes margin on!


They murdered Archimedes with his circles yet undone
How much loftier now the circles where his children's children run
They arrested Galileo, but they couldn't arrest the Sun
Truth just keeps margin on!


They burnt down Alexandria, of libraries the first
And Genghis Khan razed Baghdad, and its learning was dispersed
But now we've got the Internet, so Mongols, do your worst!
The truth keeps margin on!

(spoken: My friends! We have been marginalized for too long! This is an e-margin-cy, a call to marginal revolution! Once we are margin under our own banners, we will be limited by nothing but our own i-margin-ation!)

So despite the many setbacks truth encounters on its way
On the margin each tomorrow will be brighter than today
We will rise up from the margins and continue, come what may
As truth goes margin on!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Skal vi see...

    Gallileo (den er selvskreven), Djengis Kahn (hadde vel vært død i 30 år når mongolene kom til Bhagdad), Inkvisitorisk bokbrenning og biblioteket i Alexandria.

    Vinner jeg en bok jeg kan brenne?

  2. Dette er den rene aletheia!

    Har du da Vinci Dekodet? Kan sende deg et signert eksemplar.

    Ellers kan jeg se om jeg skulle finne noe annet. Mange backissues av Theofilos.

  3. Å gjøre en alvorlig torn i det romerske kjødet som Archimedes var (gjennom sine djevelsk effektive krigsmaskiner) til en slags martyr for vitenskapen er i alle fall en..pussig holdning.

  4. Etter Syracuse-historien forstår man romerne, ja.
