lørdag 3. april 2010

New New New

Virker som de fleste er enige i at Matt Smith klarte å ta opp kappen (eller forsåvidt legge den fra seg) etter David Tennant med noenlunde balanse og bravur.

Vi sakser fra Doctor Who News Page.
The Eleventh Hour made its debut in the United Kingdom earlier this evening and reviews of the episode are appearing online.
Warning: Some of the reviews may contain spoilers for those who haven't seen the episode.
The Telegraph says Matt Smith has taken up the mantle as the alien Time Lord perfectly, giving an A+ to the casting director and an A+ to Smith, while it describes Karen Gillan as a fine foil. The Mirror breaths a sigh or relief with the headline Phew.. a brilliant new Doctor Who saying the Beeb’s best franchise is in safe hands while The Guardian said some of the plot devices were a brilliant conceit that puts a new spin on a 50-year-old dynamic.

Fan reaction has been overwhelmingly positive with over 80% of contributors to the Gallifrey Base poll rating the episode 8/10 or more. Doctor Who and Matt Smith have both been trending topics on twitter.

To mark the transmission the BBC Doctor Who website has been updated with behind the scenes material and a clean version of the theme music.

Overnight ratings will be released Sunday morning and will be available on the News Page.
Bare å krysse tentakler og skrujern for fortsettelsen.

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