torsdag 10. september 2009

Skrinlegges anklagen?

Skulle noen fortsatt være interessert i om Jakobs-skrinet likevel kan være ekte, har Time en artikkel om seneste status.

Anklagene om forfalskning som altså handler primært om innskriften Yaakov bar Yosef akhui di Yeshua ("Jakob, sønn av Josef, bror av Jesus"), ser stadig mindre holdbare ut.
Many of the world's top archaeological experts have testified as both prosecution and defense witnesses in proceedings that already run to more than 9,000 pages. And while the original charges against the ossuary appear to have been popularly accepted as conventional wisdom, they seem to be headed for trouble in the courtroom where the fine reading of law comes into play. Judge Aharon Farkash, who has a degree in archaeology, has wondered aloud in court how he can determine the authenticity of the items if the professors cannot agree among themselves.
Hvis anklagene skrinlegges blir det store spørsmålet hvilken innskrift og patina det skrinet skal få.

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