fredag 7. mars 2008

Påsken enda nærmere

Det bygger seg opp til årets mediapåske.

Og hva er ikke da mer sensasjonelt og nyskapende enn (hold deg fast) enn latterliggjøring av religiøse. Hva blir det neste?

Først ute i denne omgang er Bill Maher med dokumentaren (ihvertfall sjangermessig) Religulous "the title of the film is a portmanteau derived from the words "religion" and "ridiculous", implying the satirical nature of the documentary that is meant to mock the concept of religion and the problems it brings about".

Heldigvis finnes det treffende kommentarer til et intervju med filmskaperen.

It doesn't help to win people over when you call them dumb. It actually polarizes them even more. Thank you for widening the gap, Bill Maher.

To qualify the destructive nature of religion, it is destructive at worst, replaceable at best.

Yes, naturalistic thinkers should end their "silence," but that doesn't mean they must be loud and insulting. That's awfully American, and it does no good.

I don't like people such as Bill Maher speaking on my behalf. It actually makes me self-conscious about being non-religious, because I'm afraid people will think I'm just as uncompromising and arrogant as people like Bill Maher or that Mickipedia girl. They're just divisive and make naturalistic thought misunderstood as elitist, when in fact you don't have to be a blathering sarcastic patronizing shithead to be a naturalist.

Selv om filmen anstrenger seg noen kilojoul for å forsterke fordommer også på dette området, er det ingen grunn til å latterliggjøre siste uttalelse.

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